家長想從小建立兒童英語閱讀能力,便要做好三個基本功。除了和子女多認Vocabulary(生字),以及讓他們學習Phonics(英文拼音)之外,家長還可以教他們認讀Sight Words(視覺字)。學會常見的Sight Words後,連幼稚園小朋友都可以自行閱讀英文句子,甚至是英文圖書!以下是150個幼兒必學Sight Words,供各位家長參考。
Sight Words(視覺字)又名Dolch Words,是由美國教育家E. W. Dolch博士深入研究和分析兒童初級讀物後的發現。他發現某些單字在兒童圖書中經常重複出現,並整理出1000個這類的英文常用字。對於一些開始閱讀英文句子和書籍的小朋友,他鼓勵他們先認讀Sight Words。把Sight Words記住後,小朋友會在閱讀上有很大的成就感,學習動機也會大大提升。
小朋友學習Sight Words的困難之處,在於當中有很多抽象的單字,如be、off和if,還有一些單字是與時態(Tenses)和單複數型態(Singular And Plural)有關,要向小朋友單獨解釋這些字並不容易。因此家長要配合情境和例句加以解釋,幫助小朋友記憶Sight Words。
a | about | all | am | an |
and | any | as | are | after |
again | at | away | be | big |
been | boy | but | by | call |
can | can't | car | cat | come |
could | dad | day | did | do |
done | down | each | eat | every |
find | first | fly | for | from |
get | girl | give | go | good |
had | has | have | he | her |
here | him | his | how | I |
if | in | into | is | it |
its | jump | just | know | like |
let | live | long | look | made |
make | man | many | me | mom |
more | my | no | new | not |
now | number | of | off | old |
on | one | only | other | our |
out | or | over | part | people |
put | play | read | round | run |
said | say | see | she | sit |
show | some | soon | stop | take |
than | that | the | there | them |
then | there | these | they | this |
time | to | too | two | under |
up | us | use | very | was |
want | water | way | we | well |
were | what | when | where | which |
who | why | will | with | words |
would | write | yes | you | your |
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